PARLAY Podcast

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Episode 01: A Discussion on Infertility

Infertility, a word often read and said, but not always understood or able to be explained.  

Today is a really significant day, for so many reasons. First and foremost, I am so happy to be back having these conversations for Season 2 of Parlay! Secondly, I have been waiting so long to talk about today’s topic as it is deeply personal. And finally, I don’t think that I could have connected with a more complementary person to have this conversation with.

Dr. Shannon Vander Doelen is a Toronto-based licensed Naturopathic Doctor, wellness speaker and entrepreneur. She supports people on their journey to, and through motherhood - from hormonal health and fertility, to pregnancy and postpartum.  Shannon is also a mother, a mother who is on her own journey of secondary infertility.  It was through her thoughtful and articulate online presence that we connected.  After having a single phone conversation, I knew that Shannon was THE person I wanted to discuss this topic with.  Her medical background, coupled with her calm, yet vulnerable demeanor allows for such grounded and valuable conversation.  For anyone experiencing infertility, I hope this conversation brings comfort, useful information, and lessens the feelings of loneliness and isolation that saddle this circumstance.  For everyone else, please listen – learn more so that even though you can’t make it better, you can show up in a way that friend or loved one needs you to.

Some takeaways from this episode include:

  • Shannon and I share our personal stories of infertility

  • we examine what we label as “the mindf#*k”…the endless ways that infertility can screw with your body, mind, heart and emotions

  • how women often downplay their situation, as well as diminish what they feel is their right to grieve

  • discussing navigating the healthcare system after miscarriage and fertility clinics

  • how women have a lack of information regarding their cycle, and how we have been taught to handle it

  • the physical, but even more so emotional, toll that infertility takes on women

  • stay tuned for Part 2 where we dive into how infertility can affect the relationship with your partner, the gift of science in reproductive health, alternative methods for growing your family, and much more

You can connect with Shannon on Instagram @drshannon, Facebook @DrShannonND or on her website .

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Dr. Shannon Vander Doelen, ND - A Discussion on Infertility - Part 1 Kelly McGuire