

I’ve always been curious about what makes people tick. Everyone’s story is important, and every story is an opportunity to learn, grow, and connect to someone on a deeper level.

After several years of being in and out of the workforce and raising a family, I sought to embark on a personal project that, not only allowed these two worlds to coexist but, would generate a positive impact. Taking time to distill down what I truly loved and craved it was three simple components: people, learning, and connection.

I always marvel at how simple everyday conversation about the realities of our lives – past, present, and future- can provide comfort, empathy, and the ability to move forward feeling a little more “part of something.” My desire was to share stories, to talk about how we learn to know and trust ourselves, how we build confidence in our decision-making process, and how “overnight success” usually takes several years and a non-linear path. I wanted to dive into dealing with change, fear, and the unknown, while simultaneously celebrating growth, vulnerability, and self-confidence one small step at a time. PARLAY is my vehicle to do so and I hope you find value in joining me for the ride.

As for me personally, you will usually find me talking/listening, eating (usually slowly due to the talking), and spending time with those near and dear to me, with the goal of doing all three at once.

Contact Kelly for more info.

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