Episode 05: Ginny Barker


Ginny Barker

Herbalist & Founder - Erb Apothecary

Ginny Barker is an East Coast girl, living in a Western Canadian world who is simultaneously killing it in the corporate communications world while pursuing her passion of becoming a certified Herbalist.  Growing up on an organic farm in small-town New Brunswick, Ginny didn’t realise how much of an impact this would have on her.  She left for the beckoning “city lights” and has built a successful career in advertising and corporate communications.  Like many of us, Covid brought several things to the surface, and Ginny found herself being drawn back to elements of her childhood, namely nature, and plants. 

Enter Erb Apothecary, the company Ginny created while taking her certified herbalist designation.  Fun, cheeky, and informative, Erb is, “A modern FARMacy boosting your wellness, detoxing your medicine cabinets and helping you GLOW like you were meant to.”  Sometimes we do not need to do a complete pivot to find fulfillment.  Ginny speaks to how having one foot in the corporate world, and one in the garden so to speak, combine to fill her cup.  Fun, cheeky, and an excellent communicator (duh), Ginny’s passion for work and play shines through as she shares her journey with PARLAY.

Learn more about Ginny’s course at Wildrose College and find them on Instagram.

You can connect with Ginny on Instagram and learn more about Erb Apothecary.


Episode 06: Saawan Logan


Episode 04: Adam Hoffman