Episode 08: Recipe for Good


Courtney Gregory

Entrepreneur and Community Builder

Courtney Gregory has a lot on her plate, both literally and figuratively.  In the midst of starting and running her own catering company, Catered by Courtney, she is also currently working her way through the Nutrition Science program offered through Stanford Medicine, in the Department of Nutrition Science.  This is all in addition to raising two young kids, and supporting her husband who has been in the thick of Covid as a frontline physician in our Calgary hospitals. 

Growing up as a competitive swimmer while being on the move, Courtney openly and honestly addresses the realities this took on her mental, physical, and emotional health.  Through the support of a counsellor, coach, and her family, Courtney developed life-long learning tools, especially surrounding positive body image, self worth, and a healthy and nourishing relationship with food. An unfortunate family loss at a young greatly impacted her and years later grew into her involvement with Calgary based outreach organization, The Alex.  Courtney is wise, kind, articulate, and continues to strive and grow as she takes chances on herself. This is such an honest and vulnerable conversation, completely embodying the concept of Parlay. Somehow, no matter how many things are on her plate, Courtney is always cooking up a recipe for good.

Some takeaways from this episode, and we cover a lot of ground, include:

  • addressing unhealthy behaviours and body image

  • how different, diverse and experiential trauma can be and how we process it

  • the powers of counselling at a young age and being able to build a toolbox to help navigate stress in a healthy way into adulthood

  • how food is now her passion and a great source of joy as she works to learn more for her clients and their needs

  • the power of how listening and providing human connection can change someone’s life

  • some of the barriers facing disadvantaged youth and what we can do to help

  • how Courtney views comparison as, “the thief of joy” and we feel that this may be one of the best pieces of advice we have heard in the era of social media

You can connect with Courtney at @cateredbycourtneyyyc or on her website cateredbycourtney.ca as well as learn more about her work with The Alex at:

https://www.thealex.ca/youth-health-centre/-  To learn more about what the Alex does with Youth in the Calgary community.

 www.thealex.ca/donate - The Youth Health Centre the fundraising goal is approximately $1 million this year to continue to fund the outreach and in-house mental health programs, the Youth Health Bus, Youth Pregnancy Drop In and medical services for this at risk population.

 www.gearupcalgary.com-  For more information as well as details on this year’s event, additionally collection of any clothing or cold weather accessory donations.

 https://www.buildthemup.ca/theneed - For anyone that is looking to support or learn more about the important mental health initiatives happening in Calgary for the child/adolescent community at large and wants to support the building of the Centre for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.


Episode 09: Writing Her Own Story


Episode 07: Stylishly Comfortable