Episode 03: Kelly Bruce, The Happiest Collection


Kelly Bruce

Ecommerce Entrepreneur The Happiest Collection™

Books and a good cozy sweatshirt….name a better combination as we brace for another Canadian winter.  Ecommerce entrepreneur, Kelly Bruce of The Happiest Collection, knows plenty about both.  In 2014 the steep decline of the energy sector in Calgary forced Kelly from the comfort of her role of 16 years in the industry.  Viewing this as an opportunity, she set out on her own and created Little Blue Canoe, an ecommerce site dedicated to “Curating Canada”.  Taking it one step further, and wanting to create a quality, casual Canadian made apparel brand rooted in positive and happy messaging, Kelly launched “The Happiest Collection” just a year later.  Fast forward to 2019 and the start of the pandemic.  With more time to indulge in her love of reading, a new idea presented itself, “The Happiest Little Book Club” where Kelly has created a platform to connect with other bibliophiles about their love of books, must reads, and cultivating an online close knit community.  Kelly approaches life with a quick wit, and seemingly insatiable palate for pizza!!!  She and I connected via her online community and as we exchanged messages, then finally met in person where I learned more of her story, I knew it was one that had PARLAY written all over it. 

Some takeaways from this episode include:

  • how, with time, a situation can reveal itself as something better than you were in before

  • that success in business doesn’t always require traditional education

  • transitioning between industries - from the safety and security of a paycheck into the unknown of ecommerce

  • the realities and vulnerabilities of launching something personal and how it can affect the ego

  • why quality over quantity when it comes to engagement with clients

  • why you should “just do it”

You can connect with Kelly on Instagram @thehappiestcollection and @thehappiestlittlebookclub, Facebook @thehappiestcollection or on her website thehappiestcollection.com .


Episode 04: Jennifer Cloutier - Artist, Flaneur, Entrepreneur


Episode 02: Part 2 - Infertility