Join me as I sit down with entrepreneurs, artists, advocates, doctors, parents, pro athletes, media personalities…the list goes on… as we discuss their path to living, learning and betting on themselves. We’ll talk candidly about leveraging past experiences, determining which chances were worth taking, the highs and lows, and finding your inner compass.
The art of betting on oneself is not for the faint of heart; frankly, it’s as personal as it gets. Listen, absorb, and enjoy — then ask, “Are you ready to bet on yourself?”
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Episode 08: Dr. Ingemaud Gerber
Doctor, Mother, Ironman, Newlywed. Just a few of the titles today's guest can claim. Join me for my conversation with Dr. Ingemaud Gerber as we discuss her journey from South Africa to Calgary, her passion for a variety of medical interests, her Ironman journey, divorce, remarriage, and building a blended family.

Episode 07: Senator Karen Sorensen
Senator, a title that carries a unique cachet for trust, wisdom, and guidance. Karen Sorensen is fresh into her new appointment in the Canadian Senate. Her story is one full of pivots that she has parlayed into creating each new and exciting next step. With her life in Canada crossing East to West and now back again, we discuss her multi-faceted career, including her path into politics, locally and federally, and the importance of relationships and community.

Episode 06: Part 2 - Heidi Dinning Certified Divorce Coach
Divorce, although very commonplace in today’s society, is still an extremely challenging life event. Join me for my informative two-part conversation with Heidi Dinning, CDC®Certified Divorce Coach and CDC®Certified Divorce Transition and Recovery Coach. We discuss her personal and professional journeys with respect to the topic, as well as myriad of related conversation around relationships, blending families, and how her goal is to see her clients, not only survive but, thrive in their transition while being able to show up as their best self throughout the process and beyond.

Episode 05: Heidi Dinning - Certified Divorce Coach
Divorce, although very commonplace in today’s society, is still an extremely challenging life event. Join me for my informative two-part conversation with Heidi Dinning, CDC®Certified Divorce Coach and CDC®Certified Divorce Transition and Recovery Coach. We discuss her personal and professional journeys with respect to the topic, as well as myriad of related conversation around relationships, blending families, and how her goal is to see her clients, not only survive but, thrive in their transition while being able to show up as their best self throughout the process and beyond.

Episode 04: Jennifer Cloutier - Artist, Flaneur, Entrepreneur
A multi-hyphenate creative with a passion for observing the ordinary and turning it into the extraordinary. Jennifer Cloutier is an artist, entrepreneur and flaneur. From small town roots to criss-crossing the globe, her curiosity led her to develop her talents in a variety of artistic mediums. Jenn’s ability to know and stay true to herself is rare, but at times have come at great costs.

Episode 03: Kelly Bruce, The Happiest Collection
Books and a good cozy sweatshirt, name a better combination as we brace for another Canadian winter. Ecommerce entrepreneur, Kelly Bruce of The Happiest Collection, knows plenty about both. With a quick wit, Kelly recounts her unique path to entrepreneurism, and how an unexpected exit from the energy sector turned out to be just what she needed to start not one, but three businesses.

Episode 02: Part 2 - Infertility
This week, Dr. Shannon Vander Doelen and I continue our conversation on infertility and pregnancy loss. We discuss the importance of seeking professional support for your well being, dealing with the unknown, and get real on the impacts to the relationships in your life, specifically with your partner. The societal pressures of motherhood, adoption, and how to support a friend or family member going through this are also discussed.

Episode 01: A Discussion on Infertility
Season 2 of PARLAY starts with a very personal topic - infertility. I am joined by Dr. Shannon Vander Doelen ND as we discuss our individual journeys, in addition to a variety of topics on the subject. An informative episode, not only for those who have experienced infertility, but for everyone to gain knowledge in how to support someone going through this.
Meet Your Host, Kelly
Lover of people and known to chat, Kelly has always appreciated the power of conversation. Enjoying a career spanning events, healthcare, the arts, and wellness hospitality, acquiring knowledge and meaningful connections has been a constant highlight.